Top Blog Recipes

26 May 2016


Silk on a spoon, fabulous for Big Kids and smaller ones too!  Gorgeous soft velvety creamy panna cotta with a burst of fresh raspberry coulis this is a winner pudding for all.

Prep Time 10 minutes / Cooking Time 5 minutes / Fridge Time 1 hr minimum  

(serves 4 or 2 greedy adults)

The Panna Cotta
250ml milk
250ml double cream
1 vanilla pod seeds scraped out
25g sugar
3 gelatin leaves

Raspberry Coulis
400g raspberries
100g raspberries kept for decoration
50g icing sugar

Soak the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water, place the milk and cream in a saucepan and add the split and seeds scraped out vanilla pod, bring to a simmer then take off the heat and leave for five minutes to infuse, remove the vanilla pod, then squeeze the water out of the gelatin leaves and add them to the pan, stir until the gelatin has dissolved.

Divide the panna cotta in to your four or two if for greedy grown ups :-) serving bowls and place in the fridge to set, one hour is sufficient however once made these panna cottas can keep in the fridge for up to five days but in my home they don't make it past the first day!

To make the raspberry coulis place the raspberries and icing sugar in a blender and blitz pour into a sieve placed over a large bowl and using the back of a spoon push through all the pulp you can until you are left with raspberry seeds only, discard the seeds and reserve the raspberry coulis for serving in the fridge.

To serve top with the fresh raspberries and a generous drizzle of the raspberry coulis and a spoon !

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