Top Blog Recipes

25 May 2016


Fabulous to the last bite, everything you want in a mouthful, aromatic marinated seared pork with a drizzle of sweet sticky soy and honey caramelised glaze, then thrown in a un leven flour wrap and loaded with Asian pickled carrots, beetroot relish and a blow your head off habanero salsa, this is one of those wonderful loose yourself in the moment and not so pretty don't watch me eats !

When marinating your meat, 30 minutes will do, but the longer you can leave the meat in the marinade the deeper the flavours infuse, and a more sticky caramelised seal will develop during cooking.  I generally plan a day ahead and leave the pork in the fridge overnight.  For the toppings you can have anything, raw cabbage, onions, carrots, mayonnaise etc, I like to preserve/can some of my late summer veg in sweet and sour Asian infused vinegars and they go great on these kinda of dinners.

Prep time 30 minutes / Marinating time 30 mins - 24hrs / Cooking time 10 minutes

(serves 4)

1kg pork fillet or loin
1 tbsp fresh grated turmeric
or 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1 tbsp freshly grated ginger
100ml shaoxing wine
30ml light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp honey
Sea salt
White pepper

In a bowl mix all the ingredients together and add the pork, place in the fridge and leave to marinate.  When ready to cook remove the pork from the marinade, skewer the pork, heat your plancher to a medium hot and place the skewers on to cook, once the pork has sealed after a couple of minutes and not before turn, repeat and turn twice more after a minute or so, the skewers should only take 2-3 minutes each side, so in effect you have turned each side twice, this helps to keep even cooking.  

Take off the plancher pile high on a serving plate and leave to rest for five minutes before taking to the table.  Serve family style on the table with a plate stacked with flat breads and all the sides of salad, shredded carrot, beetroot, spring onions, cabbage, mayonnaise and hot habanero chilli sauce.

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