Top Blog Recipes

20 Mar 2017



*Big Girls Diet swap the flat breads that my family devoured for a large bowl of mixed leaf salad or wrap up your gorgeous seared fillet and sides in a large chard or ice berg leaf, gorgeous.

Gaucho Cowboy inspiration for this dinner and boy oh boy they know how to raise and cook meat.  This would traditionally be a sirloin cut but I have our home reared organic lamb fillet loins know as the noisette cut, the meat is similar to the cut of rib eye with a lovely layer of fat that will baste and flavour the lamb steak.  Simply seasoned and pan seared, then rested well ensuring these kebabs are juicy and awesome!

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking Resting Time 15 minutes
(Dough proving time 15 minutes - 4 hours)

(serves 4)

The Brasilian Skewer
800g ish Lamb Noisette or 1kg Rib eye steak on then off the bone
1 tbsp sea salt
1 tbsp coconut oil room temp

Kebab Toppings
2 carrots julienned 
1/2 red cabbage finely sliced
1 bunch coriander leaves rough chopped
8 tbps natural yogurt
1 lime juiced and zested

The Flat Breads
(NOT A Big Girls Friend)*
(makes 8)
500g 00 flour
50ml olive oil
10g sea salt
320g water

Make the flat bread dough first, place all the ingredients in a large bowl and combine, if using a mixer with a dough hook knead for 5 minutes and the same by hand, then fold the dough over a couple of times incorporating air and layers as you do.  Cover with a tea towel and leave to rest for at least 15 minutes and up to 4 hours.  This dough can also be kept in the fridge in an air tight container for up to 5 days, just bring out 30 minutes before needed to come up to room temperature before rolling out.

Cut your lamb noisette or rib eye in to three equal steaks and place on your skewer on the diagonal trying to keep the C shape curve of the fat on the meat, not sure what I mean take a look at the picture above to help.

Rub the meat with the coconut oil and season generously with the salt.  Heat your plancher to a high heat and sear the skewered meat for around a minute each side to seal and give you a lovely layer of flavour, then turn the heat down and finish cooking to your choice, another minute on each side for rare, couple of minutes each side for medium and as long as you think for well done.  Once cooked it really is important to leave your meat off the heat to rest for at least 5 minutes.  Take this time to make the flat breads

To make and cook the flat breads flour your work surface, cut your dough in to 8 and roll in to balls, put a non stick skillet on to a high heat and start to roll out your dough balls in to thin flat breads and start to cook immediately as you roll out the next dough ball. 

Cook the flat breads for around one minute on each side and wrap in a tea towel to keep warm while you  finish cooking the rest.

I like to serve this family style, take everything to the table and let everyone build their own gorgeous lamb flat bread kebabs.

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