Top Blog Recipes

30 Jun 2017


A rich but still a weight loss dish, it's all in the portion, before my Big Girls lifestyle change I would have overloaded this beautiful crepe with three times the amount of cheese and probably double the filling and I would have finished it all even though I would have struggled to do so...The change is only in the portion not the flavour just a few mouthfuls less and you have sumptuous food and diet success!  This is one of the keys to lifestyle success for life a little change goes a long way...Lifestyle should not be restrictive it is all about balance and loving every mouthful.

Fabulous butter pan seared mushrooms with a hint of garlic and a few seared courgettes folded in to a rich egg crepe seasoned with a dusting of Parmesan and black pepper, this is a good weekend brunch served with a handful of garden salad.

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 10 minutes total


(Makes 2)

4 eggs beaten
1 tsp butter optional 
1 tsp olive or coconut oil
4 mushrooms sliced
1 clove garlic sliced
1/4 courgette sliced
1 pinch dried chilli flakes optional
50g grated Parmesan

Heat a skillet to a medium high heat add the butter and oil along with the mushrooms, garlic and courgettes, sear for a couple of minutes until the courgettes have a slight colour which adds some great flavour.  Remove from the pan and set aside for now.  

Using the same skillet now add half the beaten egg mixture, lifting the pan swirl the beaten egg to the edges of the pan, using a spoon drag the cooked egg to the centre of the skillet and allow the liquid egg to flow back and fill the void do this a couple of times, turn the heat down to medium and then sprinkle half the Parmesan over the crepe, then half the mushroom and courgette mixture, fold over each side of the crepe one third in to the centre and serve, repeat for the 2nd portion.  That's it serve on its own with a smattering of dried chillies and a handful of garden salad.

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