Top Blog Recipes

22 Aug 2017


The key to any successful lifestyle change is not to allow the old easy go to habits to sneak back in, the opportunity for this slip is often meal times that aren't planned, or if you've allowed yourself to get too hungry and then just grab whatever is at hand or even worse order a takeaway!  These set backs are super easy to avoid with a little forward planning, planning that you already do but don't realise, like deciding what meals you fancy this week, the extra bit of planning is just writing them down, now you have a weekly meal plan without even trying!

Stocking The Fridge For Success
1 hour of your time and it does not have to be all at the same time, I like to prep my fridge on Sunday mornings while everyone is getting up slow or my teenager is not getting up! But you can just as easily divide the prep while your preparing dinner one evening just quadruple up some of the preparation, for example if your chopping one onion, chop 3 or 4, it really does not take that much more time, store the extra in jars in your fridge, do the same for garlic, peppers, mushrooms, raw slaw ingredients, chillies and I also like to cut all the broccoli and cauliflower in to florets, cook some asparagus, garlic mushrooms and make a batch of olive oil mayonnaise, you can prepare what ever ingredients you use often and store for up to a week in your fridge.  I also cook up spicy chicken breasts, thighs and drumsticks for a quick go to snack.  A well stocked condiment shelf is a great help too, olives, sun blushed tomatoes, pickled jalapeños, home preserved chipotle vegetables, ratatouille etc...

This makes speedy meal times and food ready to go at a moments notice really handy.  For example the other day we as a family went out for the afternoon and due to my husband dietary requirements I thought I had better pack a lunch.  As he was loading the family in to the car I raided the fridge and in two minutes I had made 3 salads all in ball mason jars.

Super Speedy Salad In Under 2 Minutes 
Chopped spicy chipotle chicken, avocado and olive oil mayonnaise salad with pickled jalapeños, spring onion, coriander, a hint of lime, cooked asparagus, raw spinach and watercress finished off with sprouted alfalfa.  Really fresh and gorgeous to eat.

For my husband I whipped up a layered large ball mason jar with shredded raw slaw of red and white cabbage, shredded carrot and onion, drizzled over some balsamic vinegar and olive oil, layered a bed of black beans, spinach, chopped herbs, cherry tomatoes then topped with spicy tandoori charred chicken and a tablespoon of olive oil mayonnaise.

Speedy Recipe Ideas From Prepped Fridge & Leftovers

Stuffed omelette with garlic mushrooms, peppers and onions
Stuffed omelette Mediterranean with roasted peppers, onions, garlic, courgette, 
olives, capers and sun blushed tomatos
Smashed hash and eggs, crushed boiled new potatoes pan seared with onion, 
topped with eggs sunny side up
Chopped boiled eggs with avocado, spinach, olive oil and wasabi mayo 
and sprouted alfalfa
Turkey pattie with mushroom ratatouille topped with fried egg 
sunny side up 
Egg and spinach wrap stuffed with coronation chicken
Egg and spinach burrito wrap stuffed with BBQ chicken, green salsa,
 hot sauce, salad and cauliflower rice
Deviled eggs

Lunch Salads
Chopped spiced chicken, avocado, olive oil mayo, spinach, broccoli, 
sprouted alfalfa
Mediterranean sun blushed tomato and olive chipotle chicken with 
watercress and raw slaw
Chicken bashed burger topped with olive oil mayo, jalapeños, 
stuffed in a ice berg leaf
Chinese shredded chicken salad on mixed raw slaw with sesame oil, lime, 
ginger, garlic and red wine vinegar dressing
Apple and kale cabbage salad with olive oil lemon herb dressing
Fajitas Buddha bowl, roasted peppers, onion, shrimp, pick de gallo, gucamole, 
salad dressed with lime and coriander 

Gaucho flank steak seared and topped with chimmichurri and steamed 
broccoli and cauliflower
Spatchcock chicken piri piri roasted served with garlic roast 
potatoes and hot sauce dip
Asian spiced chicken meatballs served in a coconut sauce, coriander, lime and 
spinach, steamed vegetables
Lemon chicken with steamed broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower 
Shrimp tacos in lettuce leaves topped with spicy guac, pico de gallo, coriander, 
lime and garlic roasted peppers and onions

A prepared fridge for ALL the above recipe ideas is listed below, so you can see how easy it is to do just a little of ahead work and be able to pull these fabulous fresh healthy meals out of the fridge in 2-15 minutes without even noticing that your cooking!  Leftovers can play a great part in supporting your prepped fridge.

Raw Ready To Cook
Boiled eggs
Sliced onions
Chopped garlic
Sliced peppers
Sliced mushrooms
Raw slaw
Cauliflower rice
Sprouted alfalfa
Chopped courgette
Chopped olives 
Chopped sunblushed tomatoes
Boiled new potatoes
Broccoli florets 
Cauliflower florets 

Olive oil mayonnaise 
Chimmichurri sauce
Pick de gallo
Hot sauce

Pre Cooked or Raw Meats
Cooked meats
Spiced chicken breasts
Spiced drumsticks
Spiced chicken thighs

Snacks Bars
Blitzed apricots with flaxseed and chia seed, walnuts, sunflower seed and pumpkin seeds 

Where To Start...
Just create one meal plan for a few days or the week, identify what you need to have to go in the fridge to create these meals, remember a few different ingredients go a long way to making many different meals, you can do prep everyday at meal time while your cooking that evenings dinner for the next day as your basically in the kitchen already!  

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