Top Blog Recipes

17 Aug 2017


Oh how I love chick peas, chick peas any way they come, this unexpected recipe came about because my husband really dislikes the texture of sweet potatoe and as a good wife I want him to eat sweet potato for the super goodness it offers but he finds the texture unpleasent...Challange Accepted !!! 

I started to think how could I hide the texture not necessarily the flavour, he does not eat sugar or cakes so a brilliant sweet potato brownie was out and I have tried falafel, twice baked, Jack Daniels sweet potato baked mash, still a texture issue, well I thought hard about the texture and thought if i use a like for like texture maybe that will cancel out the sweet potato texture...

Success this is a brillant and fabulous recipe and can be used as a dip on its own, spoon eaten as I did or mixed with some salmon or chicken and Mediterranean roasted peppers, onion and garlic and served as a great salad topping amoung many more ideas.

Baking potato time 45 minutes / Prep time in the baking time

(Serves 2)
If you want to make your own hummus Ya! 
Recipe below, if not no worries...

200g tub of hummus
1 large sweet potato baked
2 tbsp coriander chopped

Basically just mix all the ingredients together mix well so that the sweet potato fibres are not obvious in the hummus, that's it.

Ingredients To Make Your Own Hummus

First Make The Tahini 
(makes 6 tbsp)
70g sesame seeds
3-4 tbsp grape seed oil
1 pinch of salt

Make The Hummus
1 tsp olive oil
1 tin organic chic peas 
(1 cup dried soaked chic peas over night
then simmered for 1 hr until soft)
3 cloves garlic
1 red chilli
1/2 juice and zest lemon
60-100ml olive oil
1 pinch sea salt
2 tbsp tahini
4 tbsp chopped fresh coriander 

Place all the ingredients except the olive oil in your food blender and blitz and pulse away until you have a smooth consistency then drizzle in half the olive oil and pulse some more, season with salt and taste, at this point your hummus is ready, but you might like a looser consistency and if you do add the rest of the olive oil.

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