Top Blog Recipes

22 Mar 2019


Super Healthy Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Outstandingly good!  Whats more not only can you make this in under five minutes it is so good for you, decadently rich in natural chocolate, low in calories and packed full of healthy essential fats, when eaten in moderation these medium chain fatty acids are used up faster in the body and less likely to be stored as fat, moderation is the answer to this pudding, a couple of portions a week is healthy, besides you will find it hard to finish one portion in one go, it’s that rich!

Prep time 5 minutes / chilling time 1 hour if you can wait !

Nutrition guide: 150 kcal,  3g protein,  12g carbs, 12g fats, 2g sugar (optional)

(serves 3)

1 very ripe avocado
2 tsps honey (optional)
1 tsp vanilla pod caviar (optional)
100ml coconut cream
1/4 cup of good quality cacao powder
100g melted 70% organic Green and Blacks chocolate 

So quick and simple, just place all the ingredients in a blender and whizz until smooth, this will keep for a week in the fridge, you don't need a large portion of this as it is very rich, a little goes a long way, which means you can have this more often.

My husband will not eat honey or vanilla so I melt a bar of green and blacks chocolate instead of using cacao powder to lessen the bitterness from not adding the honey and vanilla and serve his puddings with double cream.

The science bit...
High quality cacao is such a super food, the flavanoids in the cacao prevent fat like substances from oxidising in the blood stream and from clogging up the arteries.  Cacao is powerful on the central nervous system, so over indulging could interfere with calcium retention.  60g a day is a good healthy guide.  In it's raw form it contains anandamide this induces euphoria, along with phenylethylamine which both are mood enhancers.  There is a question that adding dairy to your cacao inhibits the absorption of nutrients, coconut milk is a great substitute.
The avocado has vitamin B6, K, C, E, avocado's are a perfect food that produces compounds necessary for your liver to cleanse toxins.  67% mono-unsaturated good fats as oleic acid, 19% fat as palmittic acid & linoleic acid, 14% saturated fat, potassium, folic acid, iron, maganese, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, high in fibre and helpful in lowering blood cholesterol and relaxing arteries.
The coconut milk is rich in fibre, vitamin C, E, B1, B3, B5, iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magesium, phosphorous and is lactose free.

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