Top Blog Recipes

22 Mar 2019


Coconut, turmeric, garlic and chilli crispy pan seared chicken topped with fresh peach salsa, this is a fabulous zesty supper loaded with flavour and great health benefits, serve with a watercress, spinach and lime avocado tossed salad, a real feel good dinner.

Prep time and Cooking time 10 minutes

1 chicken breast
1/2 cup of coconut flour
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper
 pinch of garlic powder
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp dried chilli flakes
1 tsp of coconut oil

The Peach salsa
 1/2 small onion chopped
 1 jalapeno diced
1 nectarine or peach diced
1 clove garlic finely diced
1/2 juice of a lime
1 tbsp fresh coriander
salt and black pepper

Bash the chicken breast with a rolling pin to even it out, add all the dry spices to the coconut flour and coat the chicken.  Melt the coconut oil in a pan and fry the chicken breast for a couple of minutes each side only turning once.  Leave to drain on paper towel for a minute or so before serving.

For the salsa mix all the ingredients together and serve topped over the chicken.

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