Top Blog Recipes

11 Jun 2020


Such a simple dish the first mouthful sends me straight back to a old bodega in a little village in Spain, goats crossing the road and chickens wandering around, I’m sitting at the bar watching all the activities of the bodega with a glass of wine, Serrano ham and this gorgeous tortilla, no one speaks English and the bar man is writing our bill in chalk on the wooden bar top in front of us each time we order something else It is just magical.

Beautiful soft and slightly crisped garlic saffron chicken stock infused potatoes pillowed in a chorizo and egg tortilla, this just melts in the mouth soft, light and fluffy.  By not cooking the chorizo first the chorizo’s gorgeous paprika and pork fat oils ooze out and swirl around randomly through the tortilla some infuse the potatoes and some infuse the eggs every bite is a delight.

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 30minutes

(serves 2)

1 glug olive oil
1 tbsp butter
8 eggs beaten
100g cooking chorizo
1 large floury potato small diced
1 ltr chicken stock
3 strands saffron 
6 garlic cloves finely sliced
1 small white onion finely diced
1 handful kale or chard finely sliced
Himalayan sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper 

Bring the chicken stock to a simmer add the saffron and the diced potatoes, simmer for 5 minutes only remove from the stock with a slotted spoon and reserve to one side.  Keep the saffron chicken stock as a base for a soup.

Season your beaten eggs with sea salt and black pepper

Heat a cast iron skillet medium hot add the olive oil and butter once melted add the onion and garlic and soften for 5minutes then add the potatoes and pan fry for a further 5 minutes so that the potatoes take on all the flavours, add the kale, chorizo stir to combine and then turn the heat down to low and pour in the eggs, leave to gently slowly cook when there is wobble but not runny eggs place a plate on top of the skillet and turn the skillet over so that the tortilla is now on the plate, then slide the tortilla back in to the skillet to finish cooking the top which is now the bottom!  Alternatively you can pop the skillet under the grill to finish cooking the top.

That’s it serve immediately and enjoy.

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