Top Blog Recipes

5 Jun 2020


Sumptuous gorgeous creamy comforting food, a delight and for me to be eaten with a spoon, this maximises the ratio of how much I can eat in each mouthful !  This is a hug in a bowl, rich creamy white wine parmesan, mascarpone and pea risotto, made with a deep chicken stock maximising full flavour and one of my favourite recipes.  Ready in 20 minutes and easy to make a great dinner to impress your family.  I cook my risotto the traditional way constantly stirring for 15-20 minutes because I love cooking and being more in control of the silky soupy finish, however you can also cook risotto unattended you just need to stir continuously for the first 3 minutes only then add all the stock in one go and leave to cook!

I brought my risotto rice from Valencia in Spain from a deli shop on line, this risotto rice is the creamiest most decedent rice I have ever eaten.

(serves 4-6)

750g risotto rice 
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 shallot finely diced
2 cloves garlic finely diced
8 chestnut mushrooms finely diced
150ml good quality dry white wine
1.5 ltr + hot chicken stock 
250g mascarpone cheese
1 cup petite pois peas
1 cup fresh grated Parmesan 
1 tbsp butter
Himalayan sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper 

Heat a deep pan medium hot, add the olive oil and butter, gently soften the shallots and garlic for 10 minutes, add the mushrooms and soften for a further 3 minutes, next add the risotto rice, stir well coating in the onion and garlic mix, cook for a couple of minutes stirring all the time.  Add the white wine and reduce by half.  Next start adding a ladle  of your hot stock and stirring until absorbed, then repeat adding another ladle of stock, keep repeating for around 15 minutes until the risotto rice is cooked, now I like my rice just cooked but not too al dente (slight bite to the rice).  Add the peas, Parmesan, mascarpone and stir well to combine, taste and season with the salt and pepper, add the tbsp butter and stir in.  Lower the heat and let the risotto rest for a couple of minutes before serving, this is best served immediately.

A beautiful risotto should be silky soft and have a slightly fluid movement to its consistency, not thick or stodgy.

1 comment:

  1. It also works supremely well to whizz half the peas with the Parmesan with a hand blender and add that at the end. Lovely pale green and it adds to the unctuousness.
