Top Blog Recipes

31 Aug 2014


Fabulous spicy aromatic bowl of happiness.  It is that time of the year where I have hundreds of plums to use and preserve for use over the year and I am having a passionate phase of Asian cooking, I admit the sweet chilli plum sauce is a treat for me but I had just made a huge batch of this chilli plum sauce and was rather excited to eat some!  Again this is a super fast wok to table in around ten minutes, prep everything first..

(serves 4)

500g leg of Lamb thinly sliced
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp shaoxing wine
2 carrot juillenned 
2 courgette ribbons
1 onion thinly sliced
4 handfuls bean sprouts
1/2 cabbage sliced thin
1 pepper chopped
1 tsp grated ginger
3 garlic cloves grated
2 red chillies finely sliced
4 spring onions,whites sliced long/greens finely sliced

For a quick and easy sweet chilli plum sauce
1 star anise
1 tsp five spice
6 plums de-stoned halved
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp honey
2 red chillies (optional)

First prep all your ingredients and have then place in bowls ready to use.  In a lidded saucepan place all the plum sauce ingredients with 1/2 a cup of water, pop the lid on simmer for approx ten minutes, check the consistency your plum sauce is ready when it is thick, sweet and pulpy.  Adjust the sweetness or fireryness to suit your personal taste.

Heat your wok hot, add the coconut oil and then the lamb, stir fry for two minutes, and turn out onto a plate, leave to one side, wok back on add all the spring onions, garlic, chili and ginger, stir fry for two minutes, remove and turn out on to the lamb, wok on for the finaly time add the rest of the ingredients, and stir fry for a couple of minutes, add back the lamb and spring onions along with the soy and shaoxing wine stir fry for a minute then add the plum sauce, bring upto a hot heat and serve.  This goes great on it's own or with Jasmine rice.

26 Aug 2014


This is one of thoses dishes that you wish you had discovered years ago as it will become a favourite, fantastically tasty, low fat, super healthy and gorgeously moorish.  A really quick and easy prep-wok-to-plate in 10-15 minutes, enjoy.

(serves 4)

300g organic pork mince
2 tsps coconut oil
1 green pepper diced
2 cloves garlic fine chopped
3 spring onions fine sliced green stalk too
2 red chillies fine sliced
4 water chestnuts fine chopped
2" ginger fine chopped
1 bunch broccoli fine chopped and blanched 
6 stems asparagus fine chopped and blanched
6 little gem lettuces 
1/2 tsp five spice
1 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp shaoxing wine
1tsp red chili flakes
1/2 tsp ground white pepper

Finishing touches
10 peanuts finely chopped
1 tbsp chilli flakes 
1 spring onion finely sliced

Prepare all your ingredients chopped and balanced and place in bowls ready to go, place all your soy, fish, shaoxing and other seasonings by the wok.  Slice off the stem of the little gems and peel off each leaf independently, place on your plates ready to stuff and serve.

Heat your wok medium high, add one tsp of coconut oil along with the spring onion, garlic and ginger, stir fry for a couple of minutes, if you feel,the wok is getting to hot just take off the heat for a moment, this is a great way of controlling your temprature.  Remove from the wok and reserve on the side.

Wok's are one of the most versatile ways to cook, they, stir fry, fry, steam and boil, they have not changed in hundreds and hundreds of years and there is good reason for that.  The base of your wok will hold the highest heat for cooking and the sides will be a lower heat so if you push your cooked ingredients up the side of the wok they will keep warm while you cook the next set of ingredients in the hot centre.

Return your wok to a high heat and add the other tsp of coconut oil and stir fry the mince for three minutes once cooked remove from the wok and reserve on the side.

Wipe out the wok with a sheet of kitchen roll, return to the heat and stir fry the peppers, water chestnut and the chilies, add the soy sauces, shaoxing wine and fish sauce, stir in, add back the mince and spring onion mix along with the blanched asparagus and broccoli, stir in then add the five spice, chilli flakes and ground white pepper, as soon as the pork is hot remove from the heat and stuff into all your little gem leaves, for that extra flavoursome finish of with a little flaked chillies, sliced spring onions and finely chopped peanuts on top.

24 Aug 2014


This is such a great dish, which I eat often, it is full of gorgeous fresh vibrant flavours, the chili, garlic and spring onions give a lovely wok stir fried flavour to the already gorgeous soft tender seasoned salt and pepper squid, a really simple and very very fast wok to table in under 10 minutes meal.

Sometimes I like to do chopping slicing and grating in abundance, if I am going to slice/chop for one recipe I will generally triple the quantity so that the next couple of days all my onions, ginger, garlic, peppers, chillies are ready to go from the fridge so I can still cook with fresh ready to go ingredients, this organisation can shave ten minutes off the overal cooking time. This is something a mum in demand will appreciate! 

(serves two)

2 squid tubes
3 spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 red chillies
1 glug of ground nut oil
Sea salt
Ground white pepper

As this is such a fast wok to table cook, it is essential to prepare all your ingredients first, take the cleaned squid tubes, if your fishmonger has not cleaned then for you I have given full instructions below.  Open the squid tube up, gently score the squid two thirds of the way through, you do not want to cut all the way through, do this on the diagonal two ways to create a criss cross pattern, cut in to rectangles around two inches long, cut any large tenticles in half leaving small ones whole.

Fine chop the garlic, chili and spring onion including the green stems, now you are ready to wok on!  Heat your wok to medium hot, add a small glug of ground nut oil, throw in the spring onions, garlic and chillies and stir fry for approx 2-3 minutes until almost coloured, remove and reserve on a plate on the side, return the wok to the heat and add another small glug of nut oil bring up to medium high heat and add the squid, stir fry for approx two minutes until just cooked, keeping the squid soft, juicy and tender, add back the chili and garlic mix and season generously with sea salt and fresh ground white pepper, serve immediately and enjoy this gorgeous healthy dish.

Then slide your hand inside the entrance of the tubes as far as you can where all the tentacles are hanging out of and firmly pull out the head and tentacles, this is really easy, place these on your chopping board, then slide your hand inside the empty squid tube and you will feel a plastic like spear and a couple of rods, just pull these out, your squid is now cleaned and ready to score.  Open the squid tube up, gently score the squid two thirds of the way through, you do not want to cut all the way through, do this on the diagonal two ways to create a criss cross pattern, cut in to rectangles around two inches long.  Take the tentacles and trim away from the squids head and mouth, keep the tentacles and discard the rest.

23 Aug 2014


This is my simple list of wonderful foods that help me love my body, I have a really naughty side that loves life and loves good food, food that is not bad but may put a strain on your body, therefore I wanted to find balance with lots of daily food I could eat in abundance to support, heal and detox, so I can still have occasional naughty foods, because life is for living, laughing and loving.

I have never really felt comfortable with supermarkets, but I did get caught up in the convince of them, and this was something I felt I needed to change for myself and my family, so we dug deep made a commitment to ourselves and our health and the earth to try to be as self sufficient and un processed as possible.

For me I wanted to go back in time to my childhood (35yrs) when my nan and grandad and my parents all grew their own vegetables, trundling off down the garden for your dinner is something I still find inspiring, love growing and producing my own food, it is a very satisfying feeling knowing that almost everything on my plate came from my garden, the vegetables, the meat, the eggs and the fruit, there is very little that I actually have to buy.  

Your liver is your body's filter, and is one of the most hard working organs in your body, your liver is responsible for helping with weight loss, dealing with removing toxins, free radicals, metabolising fat and supporting your thyroid.  In a balanced diet the list of everyday foods below help support and lessen the burden on your liver while it removes these toxins.  These foods also support your body as a whole.  


Vitamin K, B1, B2, C, E, B3, A, B6, bifdobacteria and lactobacilli, calcium, magnesium, zinc, betacaroten, iron, fibre, phosphorus, potassium, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, selenium, chromium, prebiotic, choline, mangenese, folate.
Stimulates kidneys, enhances ability of insulin to transport glucose from blood cells to amino acids, probiotics which help probiotics grow and flourish, anti inflammatory, anti carcinogenic, improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels, gives better control of blood fats, antioxidant, lowers risk of diabetic heart disease.

Vitamin B6, K, C, E, 67% mono un-saturated fats as oleic acid, 19% palmittic acid and linoleic acid, 14% saturated fat, potassium, folic acid, high fibre, folate and omega 3 fatty acids.
Perfect food, compounds help the liver to cleanse toxins, lowers blood cholesterol, eaten with spinach and carrots will increase absorption of impressive carotenoids, these are fat soluble and aid absorption of carotenoid nutrients, anti inflammatory, helps arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular health, protects blood vessels and promotes blood sugar regulation.

Vitamin A, C, E, K, ursolic acid, omega 3+6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, fluoride, fibre, powerful phenolic compounds including flavonoids.
Decreases white fat obesity glucose intolerance and helps avoid a fatty liver, lowers gut cholesterol, removes toxins and lead from system.  High in pectin a valuable source of soluble fibre that eliminates toxic build up in, the body the chemical constituents in apples are necessary for the body to cleanse and reduce toxins from the digestive tract, this in turn makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

Vitamin C, K, B complex, cynarin, sesquiterpene-lactones, folic acid, pyridoxine, pantothoic acid, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, copper and calcium.
Cleanses the liver releases bile, lowers cholesterol, two photonutrients cynarin and silymarin nourish liver and support immune system, increases bile production, cell metabolic optimum function, helps prevent gallstones, supports bone health, limits neuronal damage, protects against alzheimers, helps red blood cells, iron, anti inflammatory, helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

Vitamin C, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, high in flavonoids and beta carotene.
Organ and blood cleansing, lowers risks of heart disease, helps stimulate and improve overall liver function.

Vitamin C, full of photochemical caroteroids, antioxidant, rich compounds.
Natural super foods, compounds help your liver protect your body from free radicals and oxidative stress, these are linked to disease and ageing.  Anthouyanin and polyphenols inhibit the proliferation of disease cells in the liver.

Vitamin A, enzyme Q10, calcium.
Supports the liver, helping cleanse, sulferapheme triggers your bodies natural protection against disease.

Vitamin C, B1, B6, carotene, potassium magnesium, iron, copper, caspian, manganese, niacin, riboflavin.
Anti bacterial, anti carcinogenic, analgesic, anti diabetic, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol, vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant required for the collagen synthesis in the body that maintains blood vessels, skin, organs and bones.  Regular consumption helps body protect from scurvy, develops resistance against infectious diseases, boosts immunity and scavenges harmful pro inflammatory free radicals from the body.  Complex B's help the body replenish.

Vitamin C, E, K, procnthocyanidins, fibre, manganses, copper, pontothentic acid, flavonids.
Disease fighting photochemcials, great for urinary tract infections, antibacterial prevents bacteria from clinging to membranes that line the urinary tract, protects cardiovascular system and liver, anti oxidant anti inflammatory disease preventing, decreases oxalate's and phosphate excretion lowering concentrates of calcium oxalate in the urine protection against kidney stones forming.

Vitamin A, K, B6, C, B3, B1, E, B2, biotin, fibre, molybdenum, potassium, maganese, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, folate, copper.
Detox cleaner promotes healthy liver and kidney functions, BEST JUICED, anti bacterial, anti viral, protects capillaries, chest, skin and eyes.  Lowers risk of cardiovascular disease, eat in abundance, significantly lowers risk of CVD, antixodiant benefits, inhibits growth of diseases, prevents oxidative damage inside the body.

Vitamin K, C, B6, B1, B2, B3, iron, manganese, fibre, potassium, folate, copper, choline, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, pantothenic acid.
Liver and organ detox, a perfect food, special cholesterol lowering benefits (steamed), sinigrin is converted into allyl-isothiocyonate (AITC) this compound has unique anti carcinogenic preventative properties to the bladder and colon.

Vitamin K, B2, C, B6, A, coumarins, potassium, non starchy polysaccharides (pectins), flavonoids, phenolic, folate, potassium, fibre, manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.
Anti inflammatory, protects digestive tract, antioxidant phenolic nutrients, protect against unwanted oxygen damage to our cells, blood vessels and organ systems.

Beneficial properties for kidney health, prevents excess uric acid, high in potassium, promotes healthy blood pressure.

Vitamin A, C, niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamin, essential volatile oils, potassium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus.
Therapeutic as antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, Potassium helps component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure, copper required for production of red blood cells, free radical scavenger, antioxidant, improves digestive stimulation and flow of bile which is crucial for fat metabolism ass it accelerates the gastric emptying rate, relaxes the stomach valves allowing nutrients to pass into the small intestine with minimal effort.

Vitamin K, A, C, volatile oils, flavonoids, phenolic.
Heart and circulatory protective coumarins, effective antiseptic, linalcol, anti inflammatory, cholesterol lowering, lowers LDL bad cholesterol, antimicrobial properties, anti bacterial.

Extremely healthy medium chain fatty lauric acids easily digested and almost immediately broken down in you saliva and gastric juices which means it is less likely to be stored as fat.  This means pancreatic fat digesting enzymes are not essential which supports and puts less of a strain on your liver allowing your liver to work more efficiently.  Anti viral, anti bacterial, anti bacterial, protects body from infections and viruses.  Regulates thyroid function and highly nutritious.

Detoxes by stimulating your circulatory system, increases the pulse of your lymphatic and digestive rhymes, heats your body helping your gastric juices flow faster which enhances your bodies ability to metabolise food and toxins.

Vitamin A, C, iron and calcium.
Nutrient rich, immune boosting, antiviral, antibacterial, 25% as effective as penicillin! broth is full of calcium! magnesium, phosphorous, silicon, sulphur! trace minerals, chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine.  Easily digestibility of entire meal, supports liver function, supports bone and teeth health.  Add one teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar to the stock will increase the calcium content along with slow cooking.  Minerals support eye health, hair and nails, bone strength, reduces joint pain and bone density loss.  Supports oxygen levels and collagen production, anti inflammatory which benefits respiratory problems.

Vitamin B1, iron, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.
Boosts liver detoxification power stimulates the secretion of enzymes from the pancreas, iron transports oxygen from the lungs to all body cells also part of the key enzyme system, for energy production and metabolism.  Iron keeps immune system healthy, anti carcinogenic, free radical scavenging and detoxification, benefits to digestive system.

Detoxes by stimulating your circulatory system, increases the pulse of your lymphatic and digestive rhythms, heats your body helping your gastric juices flow faster which enhances your bodies ability to metabolise food and toxins

Used for centuries, keeps sticky platelets from forming clots in your arteries, boosts metabolism and prevents candida.

Rich in protein, iron, B12, A, B2, B9, B6, CoQ10, (yolk D, E), lecithin, zinc, all essential amino acids, protein, retinal, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, omega 3fatty acids.

Daily allowance of cholesterol is 300mg a large egg yolk generally contains 220mg, however your body  when supported by a healthy low fat un-processed balanced diet may not absorb all this cholesterol, your body deals with healthy fats differently than fats from red meats.

Protects against heart disease, anti carcinogenic, significant amount of protein, choline, great for brain development.  Largest source of lecithin this is converted into TMAO a compound linked with heart disease, keep to max 7 eggs per week.  Contains all eight essential amino acids and essential nutrients, choline, your liver needs these amino acids to preform the detoxification process, choline and co enzyme are needed for metabolism, this is found in the egg yolk and protects your liver from a wide range of toxic substances while detoxing heavy metals.

Free range hens lay higher nutrient eggs, lower cholesterol and lower fat eggs, higher in omega 3 and vitamins.

Vitamin C, B3, fibre, potassium, molybdenum, manganese, cooper, phosphorus, folate, calcium, pantothenic acid, magnesium, iron, flavonoids, phytonutrients, anethole. 
Protects the liver from toxic chemical injury, neutralises free radicals, activates liver enzymes that help the liver flush out toxins, essential oils prompt the secretion of gastric juices, helping to lower inflammation in your digestive tract and allows your body to adsorb nutrients more efficiently, strong antioxidants, reduce inflammations, anti carcogenic, anti microbial, supports immune system, helps reduce cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure.

B6, C, B1, manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, allicin, selenium.
King do healing foods, cleans liver, fights food poisoning bacteria, stomach bug bacteria, anti viral, anti fungal, natural compounds that aid liver to remove MERCURY, food additives and the hormone oestrogen from your body.  Helps iron metabolism, cardo protective, helps keep blood pressure in check, may regulate number of fat cells, antioxidant, lowers risk of oxidative stress.

Supports liver detoxification by nourishing your liver, prompting circulation, dilating blood vessels, unclogging blocked arteries and lowering blood cholesterol by as much as 30%.  Ginger ok a antioxidant possess anti inflammatory, anti viral and anti microbial.  Effective for gastrointestinal distress eliminates intestinal gas, relaxes and sooths intestinal tract, antispasmodic, antioxidant, inflammatory.

Vitamin A, B1, copper, fibre, potassium, biotin, lycopene.
High in antioxidants, increases the natural cleansing process of the liver, one small glass of freshly squeezed juice will boost production of the liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogen and other toxins.  Immune supportive, pink grapefruit prevents free radical damage stopping any oxidise cholesterol leading to plaques that can cause heart attacks and strike, promotes cardiovascular health, helpful with arthritis.

Vitamin C, K, E, copper, fiber, potassium, folate, manganese.
Removes sodium, anti oxidant, respiratory support, photonutrients protect DNA in the nucleus cells from oxygen related damage, helpful with arthritis and asthma, wheezing and coughs.  Boosts immune system, can help with recurrent ear infections, protects against heart disease, reduces cholesterol levels, fibre binds toxins and removes them from the body, keeps blood sugar levels under control.

Vitamin C, folate, flavonoid compounds.
The liver loves bitter, stimulates the liver to remove bile,detox, the vitamin C aids the body in synthesising toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water.  Drinking fresh squeezed lemons first thing in the morning to help stimulate the liver.  Antioxidant, anti carcogenic properties, stops cell division, antibiotic effects, immune boosting, bacteria protecting, neutralising any free radicals inside and outside the cells in the body, reduces arthritis symptoms, prevents development and progression osteoporosis,diabetes, heart disease and cholesterol, limonoids fight carcogenic damage.

Vitamin C, B1, fibre, folate, potassium, copper, pantothenic acid, calcium, flavonoids.
Healing properties phytonutrient compounds, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, antioxidant, anti inflammatory, these are found in the skin and peel not in the juice.  The vitamin C disarms free radicals preventing damage inside and outside the cells and body, anti carcinogenic, anti inflammatory, prevents oxidation of cholesterol helping to prevent blocked artery's, immune support.

Vitamin C, A, B6, E, B2, B3, K, B1, betacaroten, carotenoids, over 30 lycopene, luterin, folate, fibre, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium.
Strong antioxidant, protects heart and immune system, organ and blood cleansing, super food contains two thirds of all the listed nutrients, tomatoes are the other one.  More ripe the pepper the higher vitamin C, higher carotenoids and higher antioxidant capacity, promotes great health.  Anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anti carcogenic.

Vitamin A, C, B6, B3, B1, B2, betacarotene, manganese, copper, pantotenic acid, biotin, potassium, fibre, phosphorus.
High sources of beta carotene, high anti inflammatory, antioxidant particularly when passing through our digestive tract, lowers and removes toxins, heavy metals and oxygen free radicals.  Regulation of blood sugar, a slow release carb great for Gi.

Vitamin K, C, A, B2, B6, E, B1, B3, omega 3 fatty acids, manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, fibre, phosphorus, zinc, protein, choline, pantothenic acid, selenium, carotenoids, flavonoids.
Regulates blood pressure, supports immune system, neutralises heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides.  Powerful protective for liver, high in chlorophyll that suck up enviromental toxins in the blood stream protecting the lining of digestive tract from damage, especially unwanted inflammatory.  Top green for protection prostate.  High in oxalic acid, protects against oxidative stress, cardiovascular and bone.  Dozens of different flavonoid compounds hugely anti carcogenic, slows down cell division, lowers risk of blood vessel problems and blood pressure.  Supports healthy eyes, vitamin K1 helps bone health.

Vitamin A, C, B6, B2, K, B3, omega 3 fatty acids, fibre, manganese, copper, potassium, folate, pantotenic acid, magnesium.
Relieves acidosis of the liver, and blood, abundance supplies of skin and immunity protection, great antioxidant especially carotenoid antioxidants for super health.  Anti inflammatory and anti viral, anti bacterial, ALA good fats moderate levels in the omega 3 fatty acids classed as low fat, healthy fats.  Anti carcogenic, blood sugar regulations, regulates blood sugar, cardiovascular important may block the formation of cholesterol in our cells by inhibiting an enzyme.

Vitamin C, B6, B1, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, manganese, copper.
Anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, cardio benefits, protects heart and blood vessels, anti clotting capacity helps prevent unwanted clumping together of the blood platelet cells, lowers blood cholesterol levels and triglycerides, improves cell membrane function in red blood cells, can increase bone density and connective tissue.

Vitamin A, C, E, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, calcium, iodine.
Purifies blood, gives iodine, packed with essential vitamins and minerals, has a higher amount of nutrients than most vegetables, highest level of antioxidants. Can increase the ability of cells to resist damage to their DNA helping to protect against the cell changes that lead to carcinogenic damage.  If eaten daily will supply high levels of calcium.

Water is one of the most vital ways of self purification, it helps every cell remove toxins, it is important to support your liver more when boosting detoxification.

Vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, copper, manganese, biotin, phenols, acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids.
Strengthen your kidneys, high in vitamin E that protect from cardiovascular benefits, (7nuts a day), promotes great health benefits, antioxidants, anti inflammatory, decreases LDL bad cholesterol, can promote healthy blood pressure, anti carcogenic benefits, lowers risk of chronic inflammation and lowers oxidative stress.

Vitamin C, K, A, B6, B3, E, B1, biotin, copper, potassium, manganese, fibre, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, protein, choline, zinc, iron.
Outstanding source of lycopene a carotenoids, packed full of anti oxidant, a very good source of nutrients, a TREASURE of riches when it comes to antioxidants.  In terms of phytonutrients tomatoes are OFF THE CHART !   Reduce lipid per oxidation (oxygen damage of fat cell membranes and/or in the blood steam). Reduces risk of heart disease by antioxidant support and regulation of fats in the blood stream, these really support your cardiovascular 

Vitamin B6, manganese, iron, fibre, copper, potassium.
Livers favourite spice, boosts liver detox by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens, curcumin compounds heal your liver aiding detoxification and strengthening your whole body.  Antioxidant, controls blood cholesterol levels, anti carcogenic, powerful medicine in anti inflammatory, supports flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest, pain and colic.


Natural appetite suppressant, increases metabolism by 30%, after drinking two large glasses of cold water.  Keep your metabolism high by drinking  a minimum of three litres of water a day.
Unique chemical properties that promote weight loss.
High in vitamin C which is needed to absorb calcium, this also aids in weights loss.
Boosts metabolism.
Speeds up metabolism, causes you to burn more calories by releasing the chemical caspian, temporarily releasing stress hormones that speed up your metabolism so you burn more calories.
Good source of protein, theses take longer to digest giving you more energy for exercise therefore you will get twice the metabolism benefit from one food source.

20 Aug 2014


This wonderful spicy, sour and salty Korean side dish is a super food, small amounts are eaten every day by South Asians for it's natural probiotic properties, incorporating a spoonful of this a day in your diet will boost your gut health along with vitamin A, B, C, loaded with healthy bacteria Lactobacilli the good bacteria which helps with digestion and seems to stop and even prevent yeast Candida infections, anti carcinogenic, high in fibre and low fat, this is a winner dish for supporting your overall health.  

(makes two small /one large kilner jars)

1 Chinese cabbage (any will do)
1 cup of sea salt
1 ltr still spring water
1 tbsp grated garlic
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tsp sugar
2-3 tbsp fish sauce
1-5 tbsp dried chilli flakes (gochgaru)
225g daikon radish grated
4 scallions chopped

In a large bowl pour in the spring water and add half the sea salt, leaving the stem in cut the cabbage into quarters and place in the salt water for around one hour.  Meanwhile to make the rub in a bowl mix the garlic, ginger, fish sauce, sugar chilli flakes and scallions together.  Drain the cabbage, take the sea salt and sprinkle in between each leaf of the cabbage quarters then repeat this process with the chilli mixture getting a good coverage in between all the leaves, mix in the daikon radish and place in your clean dry kilner jars and seal. 

Leave your jars on the side for two days to start the fermentation process and getting the good bacteria breeding giving off bubbling gases, there is a possibility of your jar exploding under pressure, but if you are eating this regularly this should not happen as you are ineffect releasing the gases each time you open the jar, what to watch would be a jar you have not opened in a while, approach with caution!   Many Koreans make a years worth of Kimchi at a time and keep a separate Kimchi fridge, in times gone by Koreans used to keep their kimchi in a pit under the house.

If you are worried about bacteria, garlic and chilli have preservative properties and Kimchi improves with age and will not detoriate.

19 Aug 2014


Fantastically fresh vibrant and va va voom chilli hot chicken salad, the zesty lime lifts the creamy coconut and the sweet chilli plum jelly adds that touch of sweetness leading you in to a yummy false sense of security before the habanero chilli in the plum jelly fires up your yang!  Finished off with a fresh pico de gallo salsa for that added level of fresh crunch and flavour.

(serves one)
Prep and cook time 10 minutes

1 organic chicken breast chopped
1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 lime juiced
1 pinch turmeric
100ml coconut milk
1 tbsp sweet hot chilli sauce (plum) recipe below
Handful of spinach
Handful of watercress

For the tomato salsa 
4 baby plum tomatoes chopped
1 spring onion chopped
1 tbsp peppers chopped
1 tbsp coriander chopped
Pinch of salt and black pepper
1 tsp lime juice

A lovely easy, can make in advance salad, ten minutes prep and cooking time tops.  Melt the coconut oil in a non stick pan, add the chicken pan fry, meanwhile rough chop the spinach and watercress and place on your plate, chop and mix all the salsa ingredients, back to the chicken, add the lime juice, turmeric and coconut milk and gently let simmer for a moment, by now the chicken should be just cooked, add the sweet chilli plum jam and once simmering take off the heat, place on top of your salad and top with the pico de gallo salsa and enjoy.


(makes approx 1200ml)

1lb garden plums
10 habanero chillies
2 tbsp crushed chillies
1200ml water
1 kg bag jam sugar
5 x 200ml jars with plastic coated lids

In a deep pan preferably with a thick bottom place the water, habaneros and crushed chillies and bring to a simmer for approx 30 minutes until the chillies are soft and can be gently crushed with a potato masher, take off the heat and mash a little to break down the chillies.  Leave to cool for 10 minutes of so while you remove the stones from your plums, add these to the cooling chilli liquid along with the jam sugar, return to the heat and bring to a rolling boil for approx 6 minutes until the jelly mixture is thicker and syrupy, meanwhile place your jars and lids in a pre heated oven 170 degrees for five minutes to sterilise the jars and lid, fill immediately with the hot chilli plum jelly and seal with the lids, and that is it, these will last for over a year on the shelf, once opened keep in the fridge and enjoy with everything.

16 Aug 2014


I love this style of cooking, not only do I get to be girl with fire I also get to cook cowboy caveman style, there is something that stirs deep within me when I get to cook half a cow on an open fire, I can't quite explain it but it just feels so right, and what's more the meat always tastes the best I have ever eaten, I would not normally be able to eat such a huge amount of meat in one sitting, but with this dinner I almost manage it all !!!


28-32oz ribeye steak on the bone (tomy hawk cut)
1 wood fired pit
salt and pepper

Rare     55 degrees
Medium rare     60 degrees
Medium     60-65 degrees
Well done     75 degrees

If you do not have a fire pit, it is easy to make a temporary one, take the turf off a metre wide circle and maybe place a few large boulders or stones around edge, not essential, and then throw down a little sand and make your fire, I used bricks loosely stacked either side of the fire pit and as wide as my skewers or grill to give me adjustable height over the fire for cooking, that's it, keep the turf so that you can make good after.

To cook the steak, season with salt and pepper, wait until your established fire has glowing coals and put your steak on the grill, I like to cook the steak over a high heat to sear then to move the steak to a lower heat area for a while and alternate this, I do this so that I don't end up with a heavily charred outer steak, but a level rare cooked steak with the most wonderful woodfired bursting flavoured crust, (do not be tempted to keep turning your steak, I probably only turn my steak a total of 6-8 times over the twenty minutes).  This size steak takes around 20-30 minutes to cook, with a five minute resting time on a warm area of your pit before serving allowing all those gorgeous juices to flow back to the centre of the meat.  You just can't beat this honest flavour.

With this kind of cooking I often just serve with a side of french beans or simple mini roast garlic potatoes, I do not want to distract from the meat, all it want is the meat!  Considering I mainly eat a vegetable diet there is clearly moments when I crave meat, and I really enjoy this occasional dinner.

15 Aug 2014


Love this time of the year, all our hard work on our mini urban small holding is now paying off and right now I am producing lots of courgettes, marrows, plums, blackberries and apples, so my garden wrote this chutney recipe, and a mighty fine recipe it is too.
(Made 26 jars)
4 onions finely diced
3 tbsp sugar
3kg plums
1kg marrow
1kg courgette
1kg apples
500g sultanas
500ml cider
800ml white wine vinegar
1kg soft dark brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 piece cinnamon bark
1 tsp black mustard seeds
6 cloves
2 tbsp dried crushed chillies
26 medium sterilised jars with plastic coated lids
First job is to sterilise your jars, you can do this one of two ways, I do both, either run the jars and lids through the dishwasher and leave to dry completely just before use or place the clean dry jars in a 150 degree oven with the lids off for 5 minutes just before use, I do this because when you place the hot chutney in a hot jar they are less likely to crack and you don't have to wait for your chutney to cool before jarring, and secondly because the hot jars will re-seal themselves preserving your chutney perfectly for around a year.  I love hearing the ping ping ping of the jars lids sealing a few hours after I have finished, a wonderful comforting sound.

This is very simple, gently soften the onions in a tsp of coconut oil for five minutes, add the sugar and caramelise for another three of four minutes, take off the heat.  Medium size dice the courgette, marrow, apples and add to the pan along with the sultanas, cider, white wine vinegar, soft brown sugar and all the seasonings, stir well and bring to a good simmer for around two hours, stir regularly to avoid the bottom sticking or burning.  Your chutney is ready when it is thick and syrupy, taste and adjust if needed but remember that this will improve with age, a minimum of two months and more like four is my rule, however if like my husband you can not wait you can crack into a jar after two weeks!
Jar up and then enjoy, I love giving these away to friends that drop in and to my neighbours and family, they also make great little personal thank you Christmas presents for those people that have helped you through the year.

11 Aug 2014


You will never want a fast food sweet and sour pork take out again after you have tried this, this is how sweet and sour pork should be, healthy and made with all natural ingredients, super fast and simple to cook and inexpensive too, you can serve a family of four generous portions all for under a fiver!

(serves 4)

1kg belly pork
4 tbsp cornflour
3 eggs
1 fresh pineapple
150ml fresh orange juice
4 tbsp thick rich tomato ketchup (tiptree)
3 tbsp sugar
1/2 fresh lime juice (optional)
1 tsp cornflour in 2 tsp water
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 onion
1 ltr ground nut oil

Prepare all the ingredients first as again this is a fast cook from wok to table in under 10 minutes.  In a bowl beat the eggs into the cornflour to make your batter, leave to one side, chop your belly pork in to inch square cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave to one side, slice your peppers and onion roughly and chop your pineapple, catch any juices and add to the orange juice.

In a fryer or pan bring the nut oil up to 180 degrees for frying, toss all the pork in to the bowl with the egg and cornflour batter, coat well and fry in batches so not to overload the pan, fry until golden brown, drain on paper, leave the pork to drain.

In a wok add a splash of nut oil and stir fry the peppers and onions for a minute or so, add the pork, pineapple, tomato ketchup, sugar and orange juice, coat the pork well, bring to a simmer to thicken, if your sauce is a little thin add some of the cornflour to thicken, taste and if you want a little more sour season with the lime juice.  I serve this with organic jasmine rice.

My good for you bit...
Onion vitamin C, B6, B1, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, manganese, copper, anti bacterial effects, cardiovascular benefits, protection for the heart and blood vessels, anti clotting capacity and help prevent unwanted clumping together of the blood platelet cells, lowers blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, improves cell membrane function in red blood cells, anti inflammatory, anti carcinogenic, oxidant protects arteries, can increase bone density and connective tissue  Peppers vitamin C, A, B6, E, B2, B3, K, B1, over 30 carotenoids, lycopene, lutenin, folate, fibre, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, strong antioxidant, protects heart and immune system, organ and blood cleansing, super food contains two thirds of all nutrients, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anti carcinogenic.  Orange vitamin C, B1, fibre, folate, potassium, copper, pantothenic acid, calcium, flavoniods, healing properties, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, skin and peel only antioxidant, anti inflammatory, disarms free radicals preventing damage inside and out the cells, anti carcinogenic, helps oxidation of cholesterol preventing blocked arteries, immune support.  Eggs vitamin B12, A, B2, B9, B12, B6, CoQ 10, (D, E in the yolk), iron, zinc, lecithin, all essential amino acids, protein, retinol, choline, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, omega 3 fatty acids, protects against heart disease, anti carcinogenic, great for the brain development, contains all eight amino acids, supports liver to perform detoxification and protects from wide source of toxins while removing heavy metals.  Pork vitamins B1, B6, B12, A, E, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium, fat trimmed pork is leaner than the most meats but is high in cholesterol and saturated fat there for should be considered a red meat and not white like its colour, supports metabolism and energy production.

8 Aug 2014


Fabulous little bowl of flavour, the shaoxing wine adds a lovely sweet malty sherry flavour to the oyster sauce along with the fragrant lemongrass and ginger and the crispness of the peppers, spring onion and heat from the fresh chillis this bowl delivers on all notes and what's more it is a really good for you dish.

(serves 2)

6oz fillet beef thinly sliced
1/2 red pepper sliced
1/12 green pepper sliced
1 onion sliced
3 spring onions sliced
1 hot chilli diced
6 stems asparagus chopped
1 inch ginger grated
2 garlic cloves grated
1 stick lemongrass bashed and finely sliced
6 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp shaoxing rice wine
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp cornflour in 20ml water
1 tsp coconut oil

Prepare all your sliced and chopped ingredients first as this is a fast cook, from wok to table in under five minutes!  Heat your wok nice and hot and get ready to go go go, add the coconut oil and all the vegetables, stir fry for 2 minutes, add the beef and stir fry one and a half minutes, add the shaoxing wine, soy and oyster sauce stir in and bring to a simmer if your sauce is too runny add some of the cornflour water to thicken a little.  Serve as is or with a steaming bowl of organic jasmine rice.

My food science geeky bit...

Beef  grass feed ruminant animals meat has better un saturated fatty acids (good fat), rich in vitamin B3, (riboflavin,), B12 hard to find naturally in foods of plant origin, healthy for red blood cells growth and production of energy, zinc, helps with the uptake of vitamin D which works with calcium and phosphorous to build strong bones and teeth, small amounts of omega 3 fats for heart health.  Peppers beta caroten, vitamin C, (red A), strong antioxidant, protects your heart and immune system, organ and blood cleansing.  Onions Vitamin C, B6, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, anti inflammatory, lowers cholesterol, antioxidant.  Garlic king of healing foods, activates liver enzymes helping the liver to flush out toxins, natural compounds that aid the liver in cleansing, high in sulphur which helps the liver remove mercury, food additives and the hormone oestrogen from your body, regulates and inhibits the number of fat cells, allicin and selenium, fights food poising stomach bugs, anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal, reduces risks of clots and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, improves circulation, flavoniods, cardo protective and iron.  Chilli aids in weight loss because the hot burn revs up your metabolism so you will burn more calories because of your body's reaction to the caspian, rich in fibre, minerals, carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamin C, B, B6.  Lemongrass vitamin A, C, minute traces of B, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, copper, phytosterois, anti microbial, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, packed with lots of goodness, diuretic effects help cleans and purity the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas carrying out the toxins, increased blood circulation, anti setpic compounds that effectively kill the harmful  micro organisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites) in the digestive tract and still preserve the beneficial gut bacteria.  Ginger gingerol antioxidants possess anti inflammatory and  also dilate blood vessels, anti viral and anti microbial properties, nourishes your liver which aids in detoxification, promotes circulation and helps unclogging of the arteries in turn lowering blood cholesterol by as much as 30%.  Asparagus vitamin K, C, E, A, B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, copper, selenium, fibre, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, choline, zinc, iron, pantothenic acid, magnesium, calcium, anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, improves blood pressure, blood sugar levers and better control of blood fat levels, protects against heart disease, diabetes, inulin a type of carb called polyfructon passes undigested to our large intestine, there it becomes a food source for bateria bifidobacteria and lactobacilli which encourages better absorption of nutrients


 Call the fire department these hot hot hot zesty fragrant spiced Thai meatballs will set your taste buds on fire, the seriously hot ghost chilli's warning really is not to be ignored and if you are not a pepper head I suggest you have a side of cool greek yogurt with cucumber to hand just in case!  If these hot balls of fire intimidate you there is no shame in swapping the ghost chilli for jalapenos, I make both.

(makes 40 meatballs, serves 4-6)
400g organic lamb mince
400g angus beef mince
1 stick lemongrass
2" ginger
1 ghost chilli (or jalapeno)
1 onion
1 red pepper
2 tbsp chopped coriander
2 tbsp chopped watercress
3 cloves garlic
 2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp tamarind paste
1 tsp harissa paste
1 organic carrot
1 good pinch sea salt and black pepper

This is a really simple assembly and quick cook, I know it looks like a lot of ingredients but it is not, if you listed all the ingredients you needed for your favourite sandwich it would probably look daunting to a Japanese person so bear with me, finely chop or food process the lemongrass, ginger, chilli, onion, red pepper, coriander, watercress and garlic, heat a non stick pan with the coconut oil and gently soften the mix for around five minutes, meanwhile place the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl, add the softened onion mix and then mix well with your hands to distribute evenly.  

Take a small ball and flatten, pan fry in a hint of coconut oil to taste for seasoning, adjust if needed and once happy with the seasoning roll in to small golf ball sizes or as I do use a mini pop cake scoop, I don't worry about them not being completely round.  Pan fry in coconut oil in two batches for around 10 minutes, turning regulary to ensure a gorgeous caramelised flavour on all sides of the meatball.

Once cooked serve with a watercress and spinach salad and greek yogurt and cucumber dip or with a side of organic thai jasmine rice, I love these little zesty nutrient power pack balls as a meal and as snacks from my fridge.  These are truly awesome meatballs. As a added note fill a ramen bowl with four meatballs, some cooked rice noodles, chopped spring onions, finely sliced veg, and some gorgeous chicken broth you will have another sumptuous nourishing meal.

My geeky food science love your body bit...
Garlic king of healing foods, activates liver enzymes helping the liver to flush out toxins, natural compounds that aid the liver in cleansing, high in sulphur which helps the liver remove mercury, food additives and the hormone oestrogen from your body, regulates and inhibits the number of fat cells, allicin and selenium, fights food poising stomach bugs, anti bacterial anti viral and anti fungal, reduces risk of clots and lowers cholesterol blood pressure, improves circulation, flavoniods, cardo protective and iron.
Onion vitamin C, B6, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, anti inflammatory, helps lower cholesterol, anti oxidant,  circulatory protecing.
Ginger gingerol antioxidants posses anti inflammatory and dilate blood vessels, anti viral and anti microbial properties, nourish your liver which aids in detoxification, this promotes circulation and helps unclogging arteries in turn lowering blood cholesterol by as much as 30%.
Lemongrass vitamin A, C,  minute traces B vitamin, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, copper, phytosterois, anti microbial, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, packed with lots of goodness, anti oxidant, diuretic effects help cleans and purity the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas carrying out the toxins, increases blood circulation, anti septic compounds that effectively kill the harmful micro organisms, (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites) in the digestive tract and still preserve the beneficial gut bacteria.
Ghost chilli aids in weight loss, rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, the fiery burn of this hot hot hot pepper provides a better weight loss boost because it revs up your metabolism, you will eat less !!! and burn more calories because of your bodies reaction to the caspian,  vitamin C, B, B6, carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron.
Turmeric  livers favourite spice, manganese, iron, fibre, copper, potassium, vitamin C, B6, calcium, potash, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, choline, powerful medicine, improves the liver function, gives the liver the ability to detoxify toxic chemicals (xenobiotic), heals the liver strengthening your whole body, anti inflammatory agent the yellow orange pigment is called curcumin a pharmacological agent thought to have shown comparable to the potent drugs hydro cortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over the counter processed anti inflammatory drugs such as Motrin.  Curcumin produces no toxicity unlike the processed drugs.
Watercress purifies your blood removing toxins, high in sulphur very powerful liver cleanser, eat raw, cooked or juiced for best support, extremely high in plant chlorophyll's, greens suck up environmental toxins from your blood stream, they have a distinct ability to neutralise heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, this cleansing food (most greens) offer powerful protective mechanism for the liver, vitamin A, C, E, iodine, iron and phenethy isothiocganate.
Lime high in vitamin C, aids the body in synthesising toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed in water drinking freshly squeezed limes or lemons first thing in the morning stimulates the liver to detox.
Grass feed lean beef and lamb mince, ruminant (grass feed) half the fat in these animals is of un-saturated fatty acids (good fat), rich in vitamin B3 (riboflavin), B12 hard to find naturally in foods of plant origin healthy for red blood cells growth and production of energy, zinc, helps with uptake of vitamin D which works with calcium and phosphorous to build strong bones and teeth, small amounts of omega 3 fats for heart health.

1 Aug 2014


So soul norishing, this is food that loves you back, I always feel so positive while and after eating this as my geeky food science side knows how much this bowl of goodness is nourshing, healing and loving my body, this bowl of sunshine is loaded with the marriage of minerals and vitamins that need each other to work together for effective absorption of nutrients.

My geeky science bit...


Chicken bone stock is so good for you, the broth water has calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, trace minerals, chodroitin sulphates and glucosamine, these latter two ingredients are expensive to buy as supplements, but they are found naturally in bone broths.  You need magnesium so your body and convert vitamin D into it's active form so that it can be used to absorb calcium.  We only need around 400mg of calcium a day, but the RDA says 1200mg, the reason for this is that we do not absorb all the calcium we eat, but if you have a balanced diet the extra calcium you absorb can lead to kidney stones and calcium in the blood stream and heart disease, chicken stock is anti viral, anti bacterial and scientifically proven to be 25% as effective as penicillin.

Asparagus vitamin B6, C, E, K, calcium, magnesium, zinc, beta carotene, iron, fibre, stimulates your kidneys, phosphorous, potassium, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, selenium, chromium, enhances ability of insulin to transport to glucose from your blood cells to amino acids.

Garlic allicin and selenium, cleans the liver, King of healing foods, fights food poisoning, stomach bugs bacteria, anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal, reduces risks of clots and cholesterol blood pressure and improves circulation.

Chilli eaten in large quantities is high in vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, B6, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Onion vitamin C, B6, folic acid, phenolic so flavonoids, anti inflammatory, lowers cholesterol and is an anti oxidant.

Watercress purifies blood, gives you iodine when eaten raw, vitamin A, anti bacterial mustard oils, betacarotenes, iron, phenethy, isothiocganate, vitamin C, E.

Celery has coumarins, potassium and vitamin C.

Carrots juiced are a detox cleaner for healthy liver and kidney functions, anti bacterial and anti viral, protect capillaries, chest, skin and eyes, vitamin C, E, A and B2.

(Makes one serving)
300ml - 500ml chicken stock
(recipe for stock below)
Large handful organic watercress chopped
6 stems of asparagus chopped
1 spring onion sliced
1 red chilli chopped
2oz chicken 

1 organic free rooting chicken 
2ltr water
1 onion quartered
2 carrots scrubbed
3 sticks celery
4 cloves garlic crushed
10 black peppercorns
Pinch sea salt

I make this chicken stock every week and keep in my fridge so I have quick easy and sumptuous food to hand, this also means I can have a meal ready in under five minutes from the fridge if I so want.

Place all the stock ingredients in a deep pan and gently simmer for an hour or so, take off the heat when you can pull on a bone and it gently pulls away from the chicken.  Leave the chicken to cool  in the broth, this will allow some of the stock to soak back into the chicken ensuring you have the wettest, juiciest chicken meat.  Once cooled remove the chicken and this is personal I keep the legs whole for other meals and then pick all the meat off, this I use a little in my broths and for other meals during the week.  I place the stock in a glass jug in the fridge, when you go to use the stock for the first time the fat will have salidfied, this I remove and give to my dogs, now your stock is ready to become so many meals, chicken broth, tom yum soup, thai laksa, pho, ramen, coconut chicken soup amoung many suggestions.

To make you chicken broth heat 500ml in a pan when gently simmering add the chicken and asparagus, this will only take 2-3 minutes to cook, meanwhile in your bowl put the chopped watercress, chilli and spring onion, pour over the hot chicken stock and enjoy.  

This is also great and super speedy as a cup of soup and easily transported as food on the go.